
Are Clear Aligners Effective?

Are Clear Aligners Effective?

Crowded and crooked teeth may overshadow your beautiful smile. The most well-known solution to this problem is orthodontic treatment. Classic metal braces, which have been used for years, were the only known type of orthodontic treatment for a long time. Metal braces were a nightmare for adults due to their appearance and difficulties in use about 20-30 years ago. Today, metal brackets developed with modern dental technology are still frequently preferred. However, the number of patients who approach metal braces negatively is not small at all. For this reason, porcelain brackets, lingual brackets, and clear aligners have been produced as alternatives to metal brackets.

Among these alternative orthodontic treatment types, the newest and most striking are the clear aligners. Clear aligners, which differ from conventional fixed orthodontic treatment methods, have been a good option, especially for individuals who don’t prefer to wear braces due to aesthetic concerns.

How Does Clear Aligners Work? Are They as Effective as Braces?

Clear aligners have been used all around the world for almost 15 years. In this treatment, clear aligners specially prepared for each patient's teeth are used instead of brackets and braces. They can be removed for a few hours while eating, brushing teeth, or on special days. 

Although the clear aligner provides great ease of use to patients thanks to this feature, many patients question whether this method is as effective as conventional braces. Let's answer this question right away: Yes, clear aligners are at least as effective as other braces treatments. Although it is possible to remove plaques for an hour or two while eating, dental and oral care, or on special occasions, it should not be forgotten that they must be worn for at least 20 hours a day. Otherwise, the treatment process will slow down.

The working system of clear aligners is very similar to other orthodontic treatment methods. The installed sets apply a pushing force to the teeth, ensuring that their shape and arrangement are corrected. As each set is changed, the moving force applied to the teeth increases even more.

Clear aligners are prepared with great care according to the size of each patient's teeth, and each set (upper and lower aligners) is planned to be used for at least one week. Your dentist can also set this process to 2 weeks. How many sets of plates will be used during the treatment depends on the difficulty of the treatment. For example, it may be sufficient to use 10 sets for a patient with only a small curvature in his/her front teeth. On the other hand, another patient may have to use more than 30 sets of plates for a more difficult treatment. In short, the treatment process depends on the patient's condition just like in other orthodontic treatments.

You can contact us for more information about clear aligners.