

What Is Botox in Dentistry ?

Botox is a medical treatment method that is applied to the muscles with an injection and aims at an aesthetic appearance. Botox is a powerful toxin substance obtained from a bacterium called ‘Clostridium Botulinum’. Botox, which reduces the release of substances that act as conduction at nerve endings, stops the transmission between nerves and organs for a certain period of time. In this way, excessive activity increase in the muscles in the area where the application takes place is prevented.

With the help of botox, which is an effective toxin substance, many medical treatments are carried out by doctors who are experts in the field. Botox, which is a frequently preferred therapy in areas such as face shaping, excessive sweating, wrinkle, removal, gum, and jaw treatment, is not a surgical procedure. With the developing technology, it maintains its effect for about 3-6 months. Botox treatment in dentistry, which is preferred in many areas of medicine, is often preferred by many specialist doctors and clients because it is a painless procedure.

How is Dental Botox Done in Dentistry ?

Botox therapy, which is a frequently used method in dental treatments and is also known as ‘jaw botox’, aims to minimize the increase in activity in the jaw muscles. Since it limits the excessive movement of the muscles, problems such as teeth clenching or teeth grinding are prevented. Thanks to the botox application, the excessive movement of the ‘Masseter’ muscle in the chin area is limited and the asymmetrical appearance in the face area leaves its place to an aesthetic appearance.

Botox therapy, which is also used to provide an aesthetic appearance of the upper gum, is very important for an aesthetic smile. In addition to gum aesthetics, botox, which provides thinning of the face and the reduction of some unpleasant pains in the jaw muscle over time, is performed with the help of small injectors. The treatment performed by injecting botulinum toxin is completed in a short time such as about 5 minutes.

Botox therapy in dentistry, which eliminates some functional problems with its therapy, is carried out by specialist doctors in the field by considering the facial anatomy and the working function of the muscles.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Botox Treatment ?

It is very inconvenient for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, people who are allergic to botox substances, and who have blood disease problems to have botox procedures. In addition, it is a treatment method that can be applied to everyone over the age of 18 and who needs it. The frequency of therapy is determined by the doctor according to the current health status of the person and the frequency of recurrence of the botox procedure can be reduced in the period after treatment.

Before the therapy, the person undergoes a detailed doctor’s examination. After this examination, information about the general health status of the person is obtained by the specialist doctor in the field and as a result, it is determined whether the client is suitable for botox therapy in dentistry.

Things to Consider After Botox Therapy in Dentistry

After the procedure of chin botox, you should not lie face down for about 24-35 hours and the area where botox is applied should not be massaged in any way. Due to hygiene, it is extremely important that make-up materials do not touch the area where the botox substance is injected.

After botox therapy in dentistry, the face area should not be massaged for about 7-8 hours. Consuming hard foods should be avoided for the first 24 hours and liquid foods should be preferred as much as possible. Thus, the intervened jaw muscles are not tired and therefore the effect of the application is felt in a shorter time. Contact with water should be avoided for several hours after treatment. Any blood thinners should not be taken for about 24 hours after Botox application.

The points to be considered after Botox treatment are extremely important in terms of accelerating the healing process and not decreasing the quality of life. A control appointment is made approximately two weeks after the application. Not disrupting this control is another important point to be considered in order to prevent a possible side effect.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Botox ?

Botox treatment, which is performed by doctors who are experts in their fields, is quite painless and painless. After the dental botox treatment, which lasts approximately 5-10 minutes, the person can easily return to his daily life. Botox procedure, which is completed in a short period of time, is very advantageous because it is not a surgical application. After Botox treatment, no aches or pains are felt during the healing process.

In cases where there is excessive activity of the chewing muscle, botox application, which aims to minimize this activity, shows its effect in an average of 5-7 days. After the second week, the effect is completely felt. In the process after the Botox procedure, there is no situation that will prevent the chewing function.

Botox treatment, which brings an aesthetic appearance as well as relieves pain, is not a risky procedure. Depending on the desire of the person at intervals of 4-6 months, it may recur.

Side Effects of Botox Therapy in Dentistry

The side effects of the Botox application are almost non-existent. However, after treatment, a slight headache, tenderness, and vague edema may be observed. The side effects in question vary from person to person and in general, no major disturbances are observed. Botox, which begins to lose its effect gradually after about 4 months, is repeated at regular intervals under the control of a doctor, preventing a possible rise in the activity of the muscles.