
Dental Implant Treatment between Gapped Teeth

Dental Implant Treatment between Gapped Teeth

Implant treatment is one of the most popular treatments in modern dentistry. The biggest advantage of dental implant treatment is that it is suitable for almost everyone including patients with large teeth gaps or even those who have lost all of their teeth. The most important criterion for this treatment is the presence of strong bones in the area the screwed teeth will be placed, to contain the implant and surround it.

Dental implants that are made of titanium tend to easily fuse to the jaw bone since it is biologically the best substance that adapts to the human body. The treatment offers to chew comfort to patients thanks to its similarity to the natural tooth structure. It doesn’t damage neighboring teeth as it only works on the problematic area. In other words, no intervention is made on the healthy teeth. After getting dental implants, you can continue your daily life as before.

Serious problems may occur in the future if large gaps between teeth are not treated with dental implants. Teeth loss may cause gaps in other areas over time, which will prevent the upper and lower teeth from performing their functions and seriously damage the jaw structures. Dental caries and gum diseases also occur as food residues accumulate in these cavities. However, the complications in the jaw point are the most critical among these. Therefore, you should take tooth loss seriously and consider getting dental implants as soon as possible.

Who Are Suitable for Dental Implants?

-Patients who are over the age of 18 and have completed jaw development,
-Patients who have lost one or more teeth,
-Patients with total teeth loss,
-Patients who have jaw complications,
-Patients who don’t want to have removable prostheses,
-Patients who don’t prefer getting crowns or veneers,
-Patients who have broken tooth roots.

How Is Dental Implant Treatment Applied?

Dental implants are placed under local anesthesia in approximately 30-90 minutes, depending on the number of the implants. The integration of these implants with the jawbone takes around 3 to 6 months. Temporary prostheses can be placed on the implants during this period. The treatment ends by placing the superstructure, which is the second part of the dental implant, on the screws. Patients should be aware that smoking will slow the healing process. If you are a smoker, you need to quit at least 4 weeks prior to the treatment.

The dental implant is a safe, comfortable and durable option. It gives both healthy and aesthetic results to the patients. There is no upper age limit, which allows elderly patients to choose implant treatment. Okutan Clinic offers you a safe treatment under all precautions against the Covid-19 pandemic. You can contact us for a free consultancy.