
How Is Root Canal Treatment Performed on Baby Teeth?

Root canal treatment in children is an issue that confuses parents. They frequently ask about whether the permanent teeth that will come out under the milk teeth will be damaged if the root canal treatment is performed on baby teeth.

As it is known, milk teeth are very important for the healthy oral development of children. These teeth form a ground for the permanent teeth that will come out under so it is undesirable for them to decay or fall out before their time comes. However, we frequently see dental caries in children as a result of eating habits. Parents should be careful with giving too much sugar to their kids since it is the main cause of these decays. Dental caries occur over time after the tooth enamel is damaged. These caries often cause sensitivity to hot, cold, and sweet and if they are not treated in this stage they can become inflamed and give children painful days.

The root canal treatment is the only solution left after inflammation occurs. Parents may get worried about this treatment, however, it doesn’t affect the permanent teeth in any way. On the contrary, the permanent teeth will be exposed to the infection for a long time if the necessary treatment is not applied. Deformities, yellowing, and staining may occur on these teeth as a result. These deformities may be severe enough to require orthodontic treatment in the future.

So, how is root canal treatment performed on baby teeth?

The priority in pedodontics treatments should be relieving children psychologically. It is quite predictable for children to be afraid of the treatment, considering even adults get anxious from time to time. Therefore, it is very important to convince the kids that the treatment won’t hurt them.

Root canal treatment for kids should not be confused with root canal treatments for adults. Contrary to the popular belief, root canal therapy on baby teeth is a simple and quick procedure. The children won’t feel any pain during the procedure since their teeth will be numbed first. A filling material that is prepared for baby teeth particularly is injected into the teeth roots after the decayed tissues and bacteria are cleaned.

Children should be taught proper oral and dental care from early ages and brush their teeth at least twice a day. Yellowing and staining on the teeth can only be prevented by regular brushing. Parents’ guidance for this is quite important; remember that the sooner you teach your child about good dental care, the more healthy teeth they will have throughout their life.

Root canal treatment may not always be necessary in primary teeth; the dentist will make the right decision based on the age and the teeth of your child. You can contact us 24/7 to get free consultancy from our specialist dentists if you want to get more information about pedodontics at Okutan Dental Clinic.