
How to Take Care of Composite Fillings?

How to Take Care of Composite Fillings?

The process of filling lost tooth tissues with composite materials is called an aesthetic dental filling. Up to 6 teeth can be filled in a single session, and great results appear immediately after. You may be wondering how to care of your aesthetic dental fillings after the treatment. In this article, we will try to give you information about dental filling care.

What Are Composite Dental Fillings?

Composite fillings are used to treat various deformations that occur in the teeth. Before starting the procedure, local anesthesia is applied to the teeth so that the patient does not feel any discomfort. Then the problematic parts of the tooth are removed, and the tooth is cleaned. Finally, the cavities in the tooth are filled with a composite filling.

Composite fillings are also known as resin. The appearance of composite fillings, produced from ceramics and various chemical components, is very similar to the actual tooth structure and shade. Composite fillings, known as aesthetic dental fillings, have replaced amalgam fillings in recent years thanks to these properties.

Are Composite Fillings Long-Lasting? How to Take Care of Them?

 The longevity of composite fillings depends on several factors. Composite fillings, made of quality materials and filled by a skilled dentist, can be permanent as long as they are well cared for. They have a useful life of approximately 3 to 10 years. The better care the person gives to their oral health and hygiene, the longer this period will be. In other words, the quality of the filling materials, the number of teeth filled, and the importance given to general oral health are the factors that determine the life of the fillings.

So, is it necessary to do special care for dental fillings? Since dental fillings integrate with the teeth over time, you don’t have to treat them differently than your teeth. Our expectation from our patients is to be meticulous about general dental and oral health. For healthy oral care, make sure you should:

-Brush your teeth at least twice a day.

-Brush your teeth 30 minutes after consuming acidic or caffeinated foods and drinks. Remember, brushing your teeth right after consuming these foods can erode your enamel.

-Add floss and mouthwash to your dental care routine.

-Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

-Avoid tooth whitening toothpaste. This type of toothpaste erodes the tooth surface more quickly. Instead, you can choose kinds of toothpaste that are anti-sensitivity and strengthen tooth enamel.

-Have your teeth polished by visiting your dentist twice a year.

By adopting all these simple rules to your life, you can have healthier teeth and use your dental fillings safely for up to 10 years.

If you are considering an aesthetic dental filling treatment, you can call us right away and make your appointment.