
What is Bichectomy (Cheek Surgery)? To Whom Can It Be Applied?

What is Bichectomy (Cheek Surgery)? To Whom Can It Be Applied?

Bichectomy, or Hollywood cheek surgery as it is commonly known, is a surgery performed to create a thin feature and highlight the cheekbones. This operation is performed to provide a V-shaped feature to patients who have a square or round face shape. It removes the buccal fat pad in the inner parts of the cheek through a small incision. The procedure takes about half an hour and causes no scars on the cheeks.

Why is Bichectomy Surgery Applied?

Bichectomy has become one of the most popular aesthetic operations today, preferred by people who want to obtain sharper and more attractive features. Bichectomy is performed to make the facial features more proportional. Buccal fat pad or buccal adipose tissue may cause a chubby cheek appearance due to genetics or age. In such cases, patients prefer Bichectomy operation to have an inverted triangular appearance between the cheekbones and the chin, also known as the youth triangle.

Who Can Have a Bichectomy Surgery?

Most doctors set a twenty-five age limit for Bichectomy, which can be applied to both men and women. Patients can only be sure whether they want to change something in their features after the age of twenty-five since the facial features are not fully settled and may change priorly. The best candidates for the Bichectomy surgery are those who have high fat content on their cheeks or thick facial features. The most important part of this operation is to provide a symmetrical appearance on the cheeks.

Bichectomy for male patients is applied by removing less buccal fat, since the fat ratio is lower than women.

Although Bichectomy is a simple surgical procedure, there are some important factors to be considered. You need to pronounce exactly what kind of a face shape you desire to your doctor in the first examination. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about the process or postoperative period. Your doctor will explain the procedure in detail.

There is no need for hospitalization after the operation since it is performed under local anesthesia and the patients are discharged within an hour. The recovery process is also very fast and it does not cause any aesthetic problems as the incision is in the inner part of the cheeks. The face shape isn’t likely to return to its original shape before the surgery, even if the patients gain weight afterward. 

Please contact us if you are interested in getting a Bichectomy surgery under the highest hygiene conditions and with the assurance of specialists. Okutan Dental Clinic is here for a free consultancy.