
What Is Dental Bonding? How Is It Done?

What Is Dental Bonding? How Is It Done?

Cosmetic dentistry develops maximum advantageous treatment options for patients every day. Several years ago, tooth losses and dental caries were treated with more primitive methods, so the results were artificial and distant from the real tooth structure. Bonding treatment, which is one of the most used dental treatments today, can be briefly explained as tooth repair. Dental bonding can be applied not only to decayed or broken teeth but also to stained and discolored teeth. A natural-standing result is obtained with dental bonding, which consists of repairing, resizing, and removing stains on the tooth surface with customized composite materials.


As the name implies, the dental bonding treatment used in dentistry consists of bonding composite materials to the teeth in order to achieve an aesthetic appearance on the teeth. The reason why this treatment very popular is that it can easily correct cosmetic defects in the teeth without the need for any surgical intervention.

When Is Dental Bonding Used?

Dental bonding, which is a less costly and simpler procedure compared to other cosmetic dentistry procedures, is used in Hutchinson's teeth and cracked, split, stained, or yellowed teeth. In other words, dental bonding can be preferred if the condition of the teeth is not bad enough to require a laminated or porcelain lead.

How Is Dental Bonding Done?

Dental bonding, one of the most powerful solutions against dental caries, is a simple procedure performed in a single session. This treatment can be applied to any one of all ages. Before the treatment, the tooth color is selected first and the tooth surface is roughened. Then, a liquid is applied to the teeth that the material can adhere to. Then, tooth-colored bonding materials adhere to the tooth surface. Laser light is often used to strengthen this material. After the material hardens, it is shaped; it can be shortened if essential. After the desired alignment with the tooth is achieved, this bonding material is polished and the process is ended. The bonding application takes 30-60 minutes. The result lasts for about 5-10 years.

What Are Effective in Bonding Prices?

Though it is not possible to name an exact price for dental bonding, it can be said that the price scale is around £75-100 per tooth on average. Multiple factors are affecting these prices: the dentist, the experience of the dentist, the quality of the materials to be used, the number of teeth to be treated, and the clinic where the treatment will be performed. Also, additional treatment costs should be taken into account; for example, these tartars must be removed before bonding is applied to a patient with tartar.

It’s essential to take into account the customer satisfaction of the clinic and dentist you will choose. Nobody wants to have a treatment that they are not satisfied with or that they cannot use comfortably for many years. If you want to get more information about dental bonding, you can get a free consultation from our specialist dentists by calling our clinic right away.