
Why Does Tooth Sensitivity Occur?

Why Does Tooth Sensitivity Occur?

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem among the population, seen at a rate of 40% in adults. Tooth sensitivity is usually detected when consuming cold and hot foods and beverages. This condition is defined as a sharp pain felt suddenly in the tooth. Often not taken seriously, tooth sensitivity can prevent you from enjoying many hot, cold, sour, and sweet foods and drinks.

The most common cause of tooth sensitivity is gingival recession and tooth enamel wear. Tooth sensitivity is caused by the erosion of the enamel, exposing the soft part of the tooth. It is inevitable to develop tooth sensitivity if you use a hard toothbrush and teeth whitening products, brush your teeth with aggressive movements, have tooth decay, have teeth grinding habits, and have worn dental fillings. 

What Can You Do to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?

With some changes in your lifestyle, you can prevent tooth sensitivity and improve your quality of life. First, make sure you don't brush your teeth too often and aggressively. It is also beneficial to choose soft-bristled toothbrushes instead of hard-bristled toothbrushes. Brushing teeth with soft movements prevent tooth enamel erosion and eliminate tooth sensitivity.

Apart from poor tooth brushing habits, consuming too many acidic drinks and food also causes tooth sensitivity. Teeth should be brushed in detail half an hour after consuming such foods. Teeth whitening products, including whitening toothpaste, are known to damage tooth enamel over time. Reducing the use of these products will be healthier. If you are complaining about tooth sensitivity, you can choose toothpaste with anti-sensitivity and restorative properties instead of whitening toothpaste.

In addition to all these, as with every dental problem, the biggest reason for tooth sensitivity is not performing adequate and regular oral care. Healthy oral and dental care is not just about brushing teeth. To prevent plaque formation, the biggest enemy of the teeth, it is necessary to use dental floss regularly and make sure that the spaces between the teeth are adequately cleaned. It is an effective solution to use mouthwash twice a day so that no bacteria or microbes can stay in the mouth. After having dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, or bridges, it is of great importance for oral health not to interrupt their care and to visit the dentist twice a year.

Finally, Bruxism syndrome, popularly known as teeth grinding, also triggers tooth sensitivity. If you notice that you're grinding your teeth, you must not take it lightly and consult your dentist.

You can reach us from our contact information to be examined at Okutan Dental Polyclinic.